Quadruple Helix innovation ecosystem
Create and strengthen local innovation ecosystems’ interrelations in SMCNetZero regions through brokerage and knowledge-building activities, and digital resources in order to increase capacity for planning, deploying, and scaling-up decarbonisation solutions.

A journey towards achieving net-zero emissions!
Empowering Small-Medium Sized Cities
SMCNetZero is an 18-month project focusing on creating and strengthening local innovation ecosystems in SMCs and creating a Satellite Network of innovation actors including public sector representatives from Small and Medium-sized cities (SMCs), SMEs, academia, NGOs and investors across Europe.
Unlocking Potential-unlocking language
Decoding SMC: Your Guide to Thriving Small-Medium Cities
What is a SMC?
Cities with a population between 5k and 100k inhabitants will be the targeted ones. Those towns/cities having independent governance structures (e.g. cities with Mayors, city councils) and motivation to be net zero will be the preferred ones. However, if in any case, a partner identifies a city of interest that falls slightly outside these boundaries, it may also be considered.

Unraveling SMEs: Catalysts for Greener Cities
What is an SME?
Companies with <250 employees that offer innovative solutions and services to support decarbonization in cities, preferably those with experience in the development of net zero initiatives for small and medium sized local authorities.
Encourage the dissemination of information and knowledge on decarbonising solutions, funding opportunities, and market participants to help SMCs and SMEs adopt innovative zero-emission solutions for transport and energy.
Increase collaboration and networking opportunities between providers of zero-emission solutions and public authorities from SMCs by creating a digital space and toolkit.
Identify and engage innovation leaders from public and private sectors in different regions to ensure high-value content and participation in the project’s activities.
Ensure wide participation and maximum impact through engagement and knowledge-building activities, with a focus on underrepresented groups and organisations.
Facilitate the implementation and scale-up of innovation projects in SMCs, by developing core common solutions and promoting demand aggregation to increase market attractiveness for SMEs and offer better value for SMCs.
Overlooked and Underrated: The Potential of Small and Medium-sized Cities
Access to a digital platform for consolidated decarbonisation resources and tools.
Share your experiences, challenges, and successes in your decarbonization journey with other SMCs in the project.
Showcasing city’s achievements
Showcasing your city’s achievements and gaining exposure and visibility through your success stories.
knowledge and best practices
Access to knowledge and best practices from other SMCs.
Partnership opportunities
Partnership opportunities with NetZero initiatives and other SMCs in the project.
Planning, Deploying and Scaling Up
Participation in site visits, capacity building training, and innovation workshops for planning, deploying, and scaling up decarbonization solutions.

ODRAZ encourage and implement changes leading towards sustainability, operating at various levels, from local to national and international. It cooperates with civil society organisations, public, professional and business organisations, networks and experts.

The BABLE Smart Cities has expertise in supporting transitions in urban environments across sectors and challenge areas through expert advice and services and has a platform and community network of more than 2000 members representing over 170 cities and 800 companies, all sharing and exchanging best practices, solutions, and products on smart city projects.

BLOXHUB is the Nordic hub for sustainable urbanisation founded on the belief that the challenges of global urbanisation and climate change require partnerships and new ways of collaboration.

At DOLL we are creating an innovative playground and transparency in new complex markets by offering demonstration and test of the latest solutions in intelligent outdoor lighting and Smart City-services.

Southern Regional Assembly of Ireland represents 10 local authorities with a population of 1.6 million inhabitants and has a role in linking local and national policy goals through regional, spatial, and economic planning.

UrbanDNA is a specialist partnership with trusted globally-experienced staff that works with progressive cities and their industry partners, in collaboration, to deliver better solutions faster to common urban challenges.

Smart City Cluster is a private, non-profit, multi-sector association that promotes public-private collaboration joining the efforts of companies, technology and research centres and institutional partners to boost and energise the business of Smart Cities, through innovation and cooperation among its about 200 members.
Get a deep look at the Insights of the Collaboration Network!
Work package 1
Market Analysis
Understand the barriers of SMCs and SMEs and explore key innovation actors and thematic areas to determine focus areas.
Innovation Support Platform and Best Practice Curation
Aimed at connecting and supporting SMCs and their various innovation ecosystem actors toward decarbonisation goals.
Capacity Building
Raise awareness about successful urban innovation initiatives and promote innovative procurement methods to connect SMCs and SMEs.
Identify Local Challenges In Urban Development, Facilitate Cross-Border Knowledge Exchange, And Connect SMCs With Experts And Funding Opportunities.
Action Launchpad
Is the practical demonstration engine for the project. It will exploit well-received actions within the “Small Giants” network of the Smart Cities Marketplace (SCM) as a core group and expand the network and learning through collaboration with project networks.
Management, Dissemination and Scale-Up
Ensuring the necessary project management, as well as effective dissemination and scaling of the activities.